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  • EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Peter King on Donald Trump “He says things with no filter.”

    By Neil A. Carousso

    Representative Peter King (R-NY) in an exclusive with Neil A. Carousso and Dr. Gregory Beroza, part of a longer interview for WRHU’s Morning Wake-Up Call Special Live from the Belmont Stakes, discusses the presidential campaign and comments on his recent phone call with GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

    Trump called him in which they discussed issues pertaining to the general election campaign against Democrat presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton, according to Rep. King. This phone call was prior to the start of a firestorm when Trump referred to Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s Mexican heritage in explaining how Curiel may be biased in the Trump University case.

    “I don’t believe he’s a racist or bigot,” King said. “He says things with no filter.”

    King originally endorsed Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) for president. The New York representative voted for Governor John Kasich (R-OH) in his home state’s primary on April 19 since Rubio had dropped out after losing the Florida primary on March 15. King, in the interview, says he is now endorsing and supporting Republican nominee Trump.


    Featured image courtesy of Politico.

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