Neil A. Carousso produces “Elizabeth Vargas Reports” on NewsNation – America’s fastest growing cable news network. Tune in to Vargas weekdays at 5 PM ET for unbiased news for all America.

Neil A. Carousso produces NewsNation original “Kurt’s Country” – a celebration of country music and a slice of Americana with host Kurt Bardella.
  • Week In Sound: COVID-19 Rages Nationally Despite Vaccine Progress

    NEW YORK (WCBS 880) — Florida is the new COVID-19 hotspot with the highest death rate and California surpasses New York for the most coronavirus cases as the Tri-State Area makes progress on reopening.

    Neil A. Carousso produced the Week In Sound as heard on WCBS Newsradio 880 for the week ending July 24, 2020 that included a surge in COVID-19 cases nationwide, progress on a Pfizer vaccine, protests over racial justice face off against federal agents in Portland, Oregon, the Occupy City Hall encampment was shut down, New Jersey Federal Judge Esther Salas’ son was killed, and baseball returns. Hear it on the media player above.

    You can listen to The 880 Weekly Rewind with Lynda Lopez Friday nights at 7 PM ET for a deeper dive into the top local, national and international stories of the week, featuring interviews with newsmakers and the Week In Sound as heard on WCBS Newsradio 880.

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