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  • 3 Ways to Improve Well-being In the Workplace

    By Ana Reed, Founder and CEO of Newmanity, Inc.

    Produced and edited by Carousso Enterprises, LLC.

    As seen in

    With more people returning to work in-person, priorities have changed and employees are demanding more from their workplaces. For a company to be successful, as well as attract and retain key talent, it will need to have well-being as core to its overall strategy.

    Paul Lubicz, a Los Angeles-based well-being manager and consultant, shared some advice for companies when it comes to increasing well-being in the workplace.

    Lubicz has worked with many high-profile celebrities and leaders including Elton John, Rupert Murdoch and Alec Baldwin. He and I have worked together with Fortune 500 companies all around the world in helping them become better leaders and performers.

    Have your CEO commit to well-being.

    We know that change starts at the top, so it’s important for the CEO to demonstrate their commitment. A CEO can do this by finding their own “why” as to their commitment to their own well-being. We all know that a CEOs job is stressful, but for many, it’s about setting boundaries and recognizing that the well-being they bring into their own lives will also invite well-being into their company culture.

    Maximize your time in-person.

    We have all had to adapt to working remotely. What this means is that the time we have in-person with our colleagues can and should be seen as real opportunity to improve well-being. Nothing helps improve one’s well-being more than being surrounded by a positive community of people that you trust and care for. So, when there is an opportunity to meet with your colleagues in person, make the most of it, be grateful and see it as an experience of well-being more than it is an experience of obligation.

    Don’t be afraid to discuss mental health.

    Thankfully, we are starting to recognize the wonderful diversity that comes with mental health. While mental health comes with many challenges, it can also be considered an opportunity to better connect with ourselves and with others. We all know someone, if not ourselves, that is dealing with mental health challenges. What is now so common need no longer be taboo. Therefore, find the courage to discuss with colleagues and teams concerns such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, personality disorders. It can help teams establish common ground, it quickly builds trust and spaces of safety, and it is an overall contribution to what makes teams so wonderfully diverse. Help others to see that mental health is not a weakness, and when embraced effectively, can actually be a strength.

    There are so many conversations happening now around well-being that were difficult if not impossible to have several years ago. Make it your mission to improve mental health at work. It will benefit you, your colleagues and the overall culture.

    Ana Reed is the CEO and Founder of Newmanity, a leadership consultancy focused on building human centered companies. Together with New York City-based production company Carousso Enterprises, LLC., which is owned and operated by award-winning journalist Neil A. Carousso, Ana is engaged in creating content around leadership, human performance and CEO best practice. To receive insider access to Newmanity’s exclusive content, email

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