Neil A. Carousso produces “Elizabeth Vargas Reports” on NewsNation – America’s fastest growing cable news network. Tune in to Vargas weekdays at 7 PM ET for unbiased news for all America.
Neil A. Carousso produces NewsNation original “Kurt’s Country” – a celebration of country music and a slice of Americana with host Kurt Bardella.
Certified Fitness Trainer Chris Ryan sits down with me to discuss personal health & fitness, exercise habits, nutrition and NBC’s “Strong” for which Ryan trained contestants as part of the reality TV show. Ryan gives an inside look into his personal training routines for Manhattan businessmen and women plus insight into the “Strong” production and we discuss the use of supplements and training tricks allegedly and controversially used on shows like the “Biggest Loser.” This full, unfiltered and unedited interview with Ryan was conducted for an informative and entertaining feature titled “Be the Best You” – Ryan’s motto.
New York sports talk show host Mike Francesa sat down with me before his annual radio show from Belmont Park, the day before the 148th Running of the Belmont Stakes. In addition to horse racing and last year’s Triple Crown by American Pharoah, we discussed his future when he leaves WFAN at the end of 2017 and I asked him if he would consider hosting a politically focused program since he takes calls about the 2016 presidential race. Francesa informed me about his relationship with presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.
Francesa has been with WFAN-AM, now also on the FM dial, since August 1987. He co-hosted “Mike and the Mad Dog” with Christopher “Mad Dog” Russo, starting in 1989. Mike’s encyclopedic knowledge combined with Russo’s enthusiasm, energy and vibrant passion revolutionized sports talk radio and propelled successful careers for both Francesa and Russo. I brought up “Mike and the Mad Dog” in the context of Mike Piazza’s career, which Francesa and Russo would chronicle during their afternoon drive show during Piazza’s prime in a New York Mets uniform; however, that portion of the interview will air on “WRHU’s 3rd Annual Hall of Fame Live Special with Neil A. Carousso,” which I will host live from the National Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Cooperstown, NY on Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 12 noon ET on 88.7 FM WRHU in New York, and the free WRHU mobile app. Piazza, who Francesa deems the undisputed “best hitting catcher of all-time,” better than Hall of Fame catchers Johnny Bench and Carlton Fisk, in Francesa’s opinion, will be enshrined in the Hall of Fame while donning a Mets cap on his plaque.Ken Griffey, Jr. will be inducted into the Hall with Piazza.
Mike Francesa, considered “the biggest name in sports talk radio,” currently hosts “Mike’s On: Francesa on the FAN” afternoons from 1-6:30 PM ET on sports radio 66 and 101.9 FM WFAN New York. Francesa also hosts “NFL Now,” Sunday mornings during the NFL season.
Representative Peter King (R-NY) in an exclusive with Neil A. Carousso and Dr. Gregory Beroza, part of a longer interview for WRHU’s Morning Wake-Up Call Special Live from the Belmont Stakes, discusses the presidential campaign and comments on his recent phone call with GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump.
“I don’t believe he’s a racist or bigot,” King said. “He says things with no filter.”
King originally endorsed Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) for president. The New York representative voted for Governor John Kasich (R-OH) in his home state’s primary on April 19 since Rubio had dropped out after losing the Florida primary on March 15. King, in the interview, says he is now endorsing and supporting Republican nominee Trump.
It’s fine if you identify as a Democrat or if you are liberal on some issues. In fact, many “conservatives,” who have homosexual friends, concede to gay marriage as a right, and understand that there are exceptions to the pro-life stance. However, radical liberalism, and radical conservatism, is hurting this great nation. Our country is extremely divided and politically polarized and you are seeing the result during this presidential election season. But, on college campuses across the United States, if you are a Republican, you are considered a bad person.
Former U.S. Press Secretary Dana Perino writes about the difference between liberals and conservatives and why her decision to be a Republican was “easy.”
“Conservatism by its very nature is compassionate,” Perino wrote. “Conservatives are charitable, forgiving, and are always— always— more willing to laugh at themselves (and yes, we have plenty to laugh at). I understand why some conservatives rejected his phrase of ‘Compassionate Conservative’— perhaps they found it redundant— but that spoke to me, and it opened the door for me to be more active in participating in the public arena.”
Perino also wrote about the “rigidity” within the liberal circles that stifles discussion and passionate debate. For example, if I say “All Lives Matter,” because I believe in respect and humanity for all people regardless of race, gender or gender identification, disability, military status, etc. (you get the point), I’m called a “racist,” a word that is thrown around without any thought or context much like saying a prayer without really understanding the meaning of the words one is reciting.
“They are doctrinaire and rely on sanctimony while ignoring facts. I find that very unattractive,” Perino wrote about liberals in her book, continuing, “And when the facts on the ground don’t match up to reality, that’s when I’ve experienced liberals lashing out at conservatives for being ‘mean,’ as if that’s going to solve anything. These are like arguments that children have with their parents — conservatives are mean because they deny a third scoop of ice cream. But feelings don’t change facts, and it is not ‘mean’ to point them out. I want hard, practical truths — and then I apply my principles to them.”
Liberal students are probably liberal by default since many do not understand the concepts of economics (other than “spreading the wealth”) and national security concerns with the rise of ISIS, and prefer to be politically correct with the belief that they are inclusive as opposed to Republicans. Many on the left believe that Republicans “spread hatred” and are insensitive, which is far from the truth and an inappropriate generalization and stereotype.
The biggest issue is the unconstitutionality of withdrawing federal funding for public schools who don’t answer to the feds in the first place. In addition, we aren’t merely talking about bathrooms. That’s a relatively easy solution: either only have stalls in public bathrooms or make all bathrooms private. However, what do you do with public locker rooms, which are occupied by kids and adults who literally walk around a YMCA locker room unclothed? Do you want your 6-year-old son or daughter exposed to any person’s naked body after his or her swimming lesson?
We need to give this issue its due attention instead of President Obama deciding for everyone how the country will move forward. Frankly, many don’t care about sharing a bathroom with someone who is transgendered, meaning they went through the surgery or are in the process of changing his or her anatomy; it’s more about the principle of checks and balances within government and big brother hanging over Americans’ heads. Furthermore, with more and more allegations of sexual harassment in schools of all levels, how do we ensure that a sexual predator doesn’t take advantage of someone? Think about high school locker rooms or single-sex dorm rooms.
If we’re going to talk about bathrooms consider the more serious problems people face in other countries like homosexuals who face the death penalty in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. There are harsh laws against gay expression in countries like Russia and imprisonment for being gay in Egypt, India and others. Luckily, besides some cases of bullying, which mostly start in schools, we respect and welcome people of all races, genders and gender identifications. Women hold positions of power in many industries. Donald Trump even hired women to run construction sites at a time when old-fashioned thought was the way it was in this country and his own traditional father, Fred, did not approve of putting women in positions of power, but The Donald put the most qualified person in charge. In many organizations, not all, women get paid the same for the exact position with identical responsibilities as a man, hired at the same time, would be compensated. But now, the tables have turned in which white men almost have to apologize for their race and gender, which they cannot control. Minorities dub Republicans’ rhetoric a “white male agenda.”
Things are so backwards on college campuses. In March, Rachel E. Huebner, a Harvard University student penned an article for The Crimson, Harvard’s campus newspaper, in which she wrote that professors and administrators now “presume that fragile undergraduates need to be protected from any form of dissent,” calling on university leaders to discern that is “incompatible with the very premise and goal of an education.”
Furthermore, students censor their peers. Huebner wrote that a female student refused to sit across from a Harvard classmate because the student was pro-life. In addition, Huebner said when her friend moved into his dorm room as a first-year student, he began to hang an American flag on the wall before his roommate stopped him, declaring the flag to be a “political statement that he was unwilling to make.”
Earlier this month, the ClaremontIndependent reported that a group of liberal activists at Claremont McKenna College in California called out minority students and faculty who disagreed with their cause by placing them on a “shady person of color” list. The racial protests escalated on the campus in November. That “shady person of color list” contained public demands such as the resignation of the college dean and the creation of a permanent “safe space” on campus.
The list of examples in which the radical left has oppressed conservatives, especially involving colleges and universities, seems never ending. If people only listened to each candidate and really understood the issues, one could make an informed, unbiased decision on whether or not to support a candidate, regardless of political parties. Violent protests are unnecessary and counterproductive. Consider this: when anti-Trump protesters damage police cars and cause a violent scene, undecided voters feel the sense of patriotism and strong leadership that the now, presumptive GOP nominee represents and listen more engaged to Trump’s narrative.
Despite what political party you identify with, remember that we are all Americans and at the end of the day, the government needs to work together for the common goals of the country, including safety and economic growth and opportunity. Whoever is elected president on Tuesday, November 8, must be supported and given a chance to lead and improve the divisive nature of today’s society and make policy that will lead to future success of the country and its citizens for whom politicians work, promoting the values of American Dream that hard work is rewarded and leads to a better life for future generations.
Featured image courtesy of Ralph Fresco/Getty Images from an anti-Trump protest at Emory University on March 23, 2016.
This morning, I interviewed United States Army Veterans Jeffrey McQueen, director of veterans services and Bret Russel, program coordinator of Veterans Health Alliance on Long Island about veterans health services and supporting those who fight for our country. You can learn more at