Neil A. Carousso produces “Elizabeth Vargas Reports” on NewsNation – America’s fastest growing cable news network. Tune in to Vargas weekdays at 5 PM ET for unbiased news for all America.

Neil A. Carousso produces NewsNation original “Kurt’s Country” – a celebration of country music and a slice of Americana with host Kurt Bardella.
  • Chris Markowski, Analytical Financial Expert

    By Neil A. Carousso

    The morning after a strange day on Wall Street in which the stock market experienced a year’s worth of volatility within 30 minutes, tanking 1,000 points only to recover by the close, Chris Markowski, an analytical financial expert and the so-called “Watchdog on Wall Street” joined my Tuesday morning program to discuss how China has impacted the global economy and the state of the United States market.

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