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  • Supporting Our Troops: Adopt-A-Battalion of Long Island Mail Tons of Care Packages to U.S. Soldiers Serving Overseas

    By Neil A. Carousso

    Volunteers for Adopt-A-Battalion gather weekly at the Knights of Columbus in Massapequa Park, NY to arrange care packages for U.S. military members who are currently serving in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

    Col. Timothy  M. Parker is the Commanding Officer of the Weapons Training Battalion at the U.S. Marines Training Command Center in Quantico, VA. Parker served as the inspiration for Adopt-A-Battalion for which his brother is the vice president.
    Col. Timothy M. Parker is the Commanding Officer of the Weapons Training Battalion at the U.S. Marines Training Command in Quantico, VA. Parker served as the inspiration for Adopt-A-Battalion for which his brother is the vice president. (Photo: United States Marine Corps)

    It was founded in 2004 after now-Col. Timothy Parker wrote home to his parents for basic necessities such as clean underwear when he was serving his first tour in Iraq. Parker’s cohorts asked for similar packages and the Parker family began shipping goods to individual U.S. soldiers who share with their battalions.

    Adopt-A-Battalion has shipped over 40 tons of goods, directly to service men and women over 13 years. Last year, it sent 1,972 boxes to troops stationed overseas. Their goal is to surpass 2,000 boxes in 2017.

    One can donate goods, money or one’s time to Adopt-A-Battalion. Log on to to learn more about how this grassroots, community organization directly makes a difference by helping those who serve to protect our freedom, American values and our nation’s sovereignty.

    Featured Image: Adopt-A-Battalion President and U.S. Navy Vietnam Veteran Richard Olson poses next to the care packages that volunteers prepared on Saturday, April 22. The goods will be shipped to U.S. military members serving in Afghanistan. 

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