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  • The 880 Weekly Rewind: How Amy Coney Barrett Would Reshape the Supreme Court, Trump and Biden Dig in their Heels and New Jersey’s Mail-In Election

    NEW YORK (WCBS 880) — Judge Amy Coney Barrett faced questioning from the Senate Judiciary Committee ahead of their scheduled vote Thursday to send her Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate. WCBS anchor Lynda Lopez examines her judicial record with Bloomberg News Supreme Court reporter Greg Stohr. 18 days from the election, President Donald J. Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden hold competing town hall events and we check in on New Jersey, which is holding its first-ever primarily mail-in election. Plus, listen to our Week In Sound audio file, produced by Neil A. Carousso.

    You can listen to The 880 Weekly Rewind with Lynda Lopez Friday nights at 7 PM ET for a deeper dive into the top local, national and international stories of the week, featuring interviews with newsmakers and the Week/Month In Sound audio file.


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