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  • WCBS 880 Weekly Rewind: Why the Surging Delta Variant Could Impact the Reopening, A Win for Students’ Free Speech at the Supreme Court, and Deepening Divisions Between NYC Pride Organizers and Police

    Produced by Neil A. Carousso

    NEW YORK (WCBS 880) — As the Delta variant of COVID-19 rapidly spreads to 20 percent of new cases in the U.S., causing severe illnesses, especially among unvaccinated children and adults, there are concerns it will slow the reopening.

    Also on The 880 Weekly Rewind, WCBS anchor Lynda Lopez looks at what’s in President Joe Biden’s new infrastructure plan agreed upon with a group of centrist senators and the likelihood it passes on Capitol Hill. Lopez also talked to Bloomberg News Supreme Court reporter Greg Stohr about a key free speech case involving a public high school cheerleader who sued after she was suspended from her junior varsity team for a year for cursing in a social media post when she did not make the varsity squad.

    The head of the NYPD’s gay officers union is speaking out, telling WCBS reporter Mack Rosenberg the ban on cops at the NYC Pride March is divisive. Hear from both sides on the Rewind and why they feel very differently about police representation at Sunday’s parade.

    Subscribe and download The 880 Weekly Rewind podcast for in-depth reporting and deeper analysis of the top stories of the week, produced by Neil A. Carousso for WCBS-AM New York.

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